Sample Sidebar Module

This is a sample module published to the sidebar_top position, using the -sidebar module class suffix. There is also a sidebar_bottom position below the menu.

Sample Sidebar Module

This is a sample module published to the sidebar_bottom position, using the -sidebar module class suffix. There is also a sidebar_top position below the search.

Prior Administrator in the Abbey of Marienstatt
June 27, 2023

P. Benedikt Michels has today, the 27th of June, taken over the role as Prior Administrator in the Abbey of Marienstatt for two years. He is a teacher in the Gymnasium and, in the past year, subprior of Marienstatt. Speaking in the name of the Mehrerau Congregation and personally, with heartfelt desire, I, Abbot Vinzenz, thank P. Martin for his work in the community and for his steadfast work in Marienstatt.
I wish P. Benedikt, in the name of the Mehrerau Congregation, God's blessing and the blessing of his Holy Spirit for his work and for the community of Marienstatt.